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Webinar for Aging Science Talks Chaired by Dr. Nichenametla

OFAS Associate Scientist Dr. Sailendra Nichenametla will chair a webinar, “Sulfur Amino Acid Restriction – Moving from Animals to Humans”, for Aging Science Talks on October 20-21, 2021. The sessions will include presentations by Dr. Nichenametla, OFAS Associate Scientist Dr. Jay Johnson, and OFAS Assistant Scientist Dr. Zhen Dong. Dr. John P. Richie, Jr., (Penn State University College of Medicine), a member of OFAS’s Board of Scientific Advisors, will also be among the presenters. The complete program, including information on attending the Zoom sessions, is available here.

This series of talks was begun in March 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic as a means of keeping aging researchers connected at a time when scientific conferences were being cancelled around the world. The talks have continued in webinar format with the support of the Glenn Foundation for Medical Research. For more information about the Aging Science Talks series, including dates and topics of upcoming talks, click here.


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