Unlocking the secrets of longevity and healthspan
Inside the fascinating world of our labs
Our labs probe the intricacies of longevity and age-related disease. Join us as we attempt to uncover the secrets of healthy aging, explore untapped healthspan-extending interventions, and dissect the intricate mechanisms underlying some of the most debilitating illnesses associated with aging.
Nichenametla Lab
Unveiling the Power of Sulfur Amino Acid Restriction
Dr. Nichenametla's lab primarily focuses on discovering the mechanisms of SAAR-induced lifespan extension. The secondary goal is to investigate whether it is pharmacologically possible to induce these mechanisms and investigate their therapeutic effects in various disease models. Finally, the lab is testing the translational potential [i.e., the potential to work in humans] of our preclinical findings.

S. N. Nichenametla, Ph.D.

Jay E. Johnson, Ph.D.
Ables Lab
Tackling Neurodegeneration with SAAR
Dr. Ables is exploring the potential of SAAR to combat amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig's disease. This devastating neurodegenerative disease, characterized by progressive neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration, currently lacks effective treatments. By utilizing a mouse model for ALS, Dr. Ables is meticulously investigating the impact of SAAR, searching mechanisms that could lead to better understanding of this debilitating disease.

Gene P. Ables, Ph.D.